Sunday, 14 June 2015

Small Furniture, Big Profit !

I know I was telling you that I was going to stop buying furniture for a while as my workshop is so crowded. But how could I resist this stunning solid pine welsh dresser??

 It is in fantastic condition, and will look stunning after a makeover. I think I will sand and varnish the dresser top and paint the rest in a pale french grey or blue. The drawers are really well made.

I struggled to clear a space to work this morning but got quite a lot done today. I stencilled a clock face on the white coffee table, and painted the pie crust edge in grey.

 Once it had dried I distressed the edge to give it an aged worn look and also lightly distressed the legs.

It looked a bit plain so I aged the clock face with some dark wax. I think it has turned out really nice. Might get this one listed on ebay tonight ;)

I made a start last weekend on the nice dressing table with the oval mirror, the one I mixed a custom yellow paint for. I found that oil from the wood was coming through that paint leaving a brown stain.

To stop this happening (as no matter how many coats I apply it will still come through), I brushed on a thin film of varnish. Once dry I gave another coat, and you can see the difference it has made in this next pic.

I have now given the whole piece a coat of varnish, so that kind of held me up with working on it today :( so I turned my attention to the porthole mirrored bathroom cabinet I showed you last week.

Because it has a nautical look I decided to use Greek Blue. I masked off the mirror with my super duper curvy masking tape and have given it 2 coats of paint.

I will finish this one off next weekend by distressing, waxing and adding a quirky handle.

Remember the dolls house furniture I showed you last week, bought for £1 at the car boot sale?

The auctions have just ended. I split the furniture into 3 lots and started the bidding at 99p per lot. The grand total was £14 ! So looks like it's not just the full size furniture that I can make a profit on ;)
Picked up this cute little table last weekend, it has a tiny drawer in one side.

 Someone has made a bad job of painting it, so I will paint over what is there. This one might actually be a good one to use for a new technique I have not tried before - silver leaf. I watched a video on Pinterest the other day that made me want to try it. I have ordered some imitation silver leaf from Amazon along with some gold size. It looks quite fiddly and messy to do but the results are amazing!

Might have to do it outside as from what I have read the little bits of leaf get everywhere!

That's all for this week, but tune in next week for updates on the bathroom cabinet and dressing table, and find out if I have managed to resist buying any more furniture !!

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