Sunday, 10 July 2011

Bureau de Change

Sorry for not posting last Sunday but I pinched a nerve in my shoulder first thing and was on painkillers all day. Needless to say I didn't get much work done, but I did go to the boot sale and found a garden table and chairs set that will look great painted up.

This has been a good weekend for getting on with things. Another good car boot sale this morning and got a lovely dressing table mirror that I plan to shabby chic and keep for myself. I am also on the look out for a narrow chest of drawers to sit it on, and will paint it all in Old White and lightly distress.

The shop in Cornwall paid me this week for their first jewellery order, so that was nice. I was beginning to worry that it was a con to get free samples. I have supplied 8 items in the first order so will wait and see now if they come back to me for any more.

Had loads of people coming this weekend to pick up all the stuff we sold on ebay from the shed clear out. We sold everything but sadly a few items sold for next to nothing and once ebay take their fees there won't be much left. Never mind, I now have a big empty shed to store all my furniture and equipment so really happy.

I went a bit mad buying teddy bears today at the boot sale. I though they would look really cute to dress up furniture I'm selling. I have noticed on ebay that the items that are well dressed and photographed go for a lot more, so well worth a try. Didn't spend more that £2 for ALL of them, and I had to stop myself buying more!!
Also bought a Royal Winton large jug and bowl "Country Diary" range. Will either just sell it on eBay or it would look good on a dresser.

Had a bit of a disaster today with the bureau. I painted it all and started waxing it yesterday and today I was going to glue the nice Paperchase paper onto the work area, however, it didn't work as I expected it to. The paper stretched, bubbled and creased, and in the end I had to scrape it all off and then sand the area back to the wood. I suppose this is how you learn if techniques are going to work, and I will not try this again, I will use wallpaper which is more suited. I did happen to have some nice shabby chic rose design paper that matched the green very well, so I have now used this and varnished over.

I finished off the photo frame I was working on, and also a pair of candlesticks I bought last weekend.

Having a 3 day week this week at work and having Thurs, Fri and next Monday off, so hoping to get loads done, and maybe start making some new jewellery and get my new Folksy shop "RedKittenCrafts"stocked up. Just never enough time at the weekend. I would also love to get my sewing machine out and make some little cushions and little shabby chic hanging hearts, I have loads of ideas for them and have ordered some material on ebay today.

Right, better go and get the dinner on, I put on a pound last week at Weight Watchers and I was so upset. I have been keeping to it rigidly this week so I should be ok. Less than 8 weeks now till California so will keep going till then and will not feel as guilty when I pig out on my hols!!

 Have a great week!

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