Sunday, 19 February 2012

Sunday Update

Well it's Sunday late afternoon now and the sun is starting to go down, which means I wont get much more done today. Still have Monday though!

I managed to take some better photos of the console style table, and also finished the chunky white table that I added paper to the top of

I have also spent hours painting the small dresser, but I am not very happy with it, mainly due to the fact that it is not a very well made piece. It was sold to me as having leaded glass doors, but they are perspex with stick on leading. Just not up to the normally great standard of furniture you can buy on eBay. I have however put a lot of time into it, and it has cost me quite a lot in materials, so I will finish it off and list it for a fair price and see what happens.

Won a nice chunky pine bedside table on eBay yesterday so will pick that up on Tuesday after work. Might try out my new Old Violet on that one.

Shabby chic'd a couple of nice large pine photo frames too this weekend, and have just listed them on eBay. They still have the price tags of £12 on them, but I got them for £1 each at car boot sale ;-)

I am really enjoying this weekend as I have had full days to crack on with my projects! Will hopefully finish the small dresser tomorrow and I will put some pics on here. Also painting up a nice dressing table mirror which I had to repair first, so I really have got loads done so far. Going to go and tidy up now as light almost gone. Time to make dinner too, then I will have a nice soak in the bath as my arms are aching from all the painting and wax buffing!

We are going to Blackpool next weekend for an overnight trip, so really looking forward to fish and chips and a nice long walk along the sea front. Heading up to stay over Friday evening so I will still have lots of time on Sunday to work :-)

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